
Discover what vaping can cost — beyond your health.

Do you vape?

Great to hear!

Vaping nicotine can alter teen brain development. Vaping can also increase your exposure to harmful chemicals and metals.

Vaping can also make a dent in your bank account.

By choosing to not vape, you have put your health first and you're not wasting your money on vaping.

At $500 – That's the equivalent of 10 nights at the movies with friends (including popcorn!)

At $1,000 - That's the equivalent of 4-5 tickets to a big venue event like a concert, professional sports game or another entertainment venue of your choice!

At $2,500 - That's the equivalent to many shopping sprees – new clothes, new shoes, new tablet, etc.!

At $5,000 - That's the equivalent to a used car!

The long-term health impacts of vaping are unknown.

So, why risk it?

The best way to protect your health and save your money is to not vape.

Did you know vaping nicotine can alter teen brain development? Vaping can also increase your exposure to harmful chemicals and metals.

Vaping can also make a dent in your bank account. The cost of vaping varies based on the vaping device used and how often the user vapes.

Find out how much of your money vanishes into thin air when you vape, and what better things you could be spending it on:


This is how much vaping is costing you

0 per week
0 per month
0 per year

Did you know you spent approximately 0 to date on vaping?

Amount spent in 5 years: 0

That's equivalent to 0 nights at the movies with friends (including popcorn!) That's equivalent to 0 tickets to a big venue event like a concert, professional sports game or another entertainment venue of your choice! That's equivalent to many shopping sprees – new clothes, new shoes, new tablet, etc.! That's equivalent to a used car!

The long-term health impacts of vaping are unknown.

So, why risk it?

The best way to protect your health and save your money is to not vape.